



Sensors in Formula One



Keeping your sensors working in harmony is crucial and these few simple checks should become part of your pre-race set up

As the complexity of modern racecars increases and the number of electronic control systems installed on the chassis rises, it is important to ensure that everything works in harmony.
To achieve this harmony, the data engineer should always perform the equivalent of an aeroplane’s pre-flight checks before any running of the engine or car takes place.

If we consider a modern Sportscar as an example, this will typically have the following electrical items all communicating with each other and, in some instances, relying on data being transferred from one unit to the other to avoid a potential overload of sensors:

• Engine control unit (ECU)
• Gearbox control unit (GCU)
• Power control module (PCM)
• Data logger master control unit (MCU)


To show how to check everything is correct, here we have an example of a watch screen that is populated when the car server is communicating with the car. We can see sections outlined for all of the above control units as well as a monitor for the CAN network that links all of the units together to check that messages are being transmitted on all IDs. We should be looking for the following during the checks:

For sensors that can be manipulated by hand, such as damper potentiometers, these should be checked over their full range to ensure each is working properly. Usually, these are only connected by ball studs and so are easy to pop off.

For sensors where it is not possible to rapidly change the values, such as engine temperature and pressure sensors, first of all use a bit of common sense ie if the ambient temperature is 30degC and your airbox temperature sensor is reading 5degC then there is probably something awry. Also, look at the raw values of the sensors and refer to the sensor specification sheet to ensure that the values being reported are roughly correct.

Ideally, this should be done before every session so any problems can be rectified before the car runs. It will avoid the problem of discovering an issue over telemetry as the car accelerates down the pit lane for the start of the race.

In addition, it is wise to perform a manual logging session to check everything is working as expected and that the data is valid and is being stored in the correct location. This will also allow any short cuts in your data analysis software to be defined.

After all sensors have been checked and a successful engine fire up and shift check completed, now is an excellent time to analyse the sensors in more detail and check their ranges. If possible, correlate data from the logger with that of the ECU and GCU of statistical figures from the data channels. If out, this could suggest a calibration problem over the data stream – especially if new sensors are being broadcast for the first time.

Here we have outlined a simple method to ensure excellent reliability and avoid unnecessary stress at race weekends. Defining and following a set procedure such as this at every race meeting will hopefully ensure the DAG has a slightly easier job.


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